Blog Archive

Monday 25 November 2019

March 2019

Well, March was an exhausting month.

Worn out from playing at Gran and Grandmummy's house.

Genevieve was on the move! She mastered crawling and started to pull up and let go to stand on her own, Alanna started to see Genevieve as more of a playmate, and Genevieve also started eating real foods!

She used her newfound mobility to start playing with everything that wasn't nailed down.

Playing together in the new (and much needed) playpen.

She loves chewing on celery!
Here she is pulling up on the side of the playpen.

First picture of her little teeth! 
Standing on her own!!

She also started to imitate sounds we were making:

March was a big month for our sweet Genevieve!

We also took a trip to the Canada Aviation and Space Museum this month. Alanna had a fun time looking at all the planes and especially liked all the cutout stands.

This is the exact helicopter that Steve flew! He has mixed feelings about it being a museum piece now. 😄


With a CF-18

She especially loved the space exhibit about how astronauts live on the ISS.

Saturday 23 November 2019

February 2019

On February 2nd, Alanna's school choir performed 'O Canada' at an Ottawa 67s OHL game! Alanna really enjoyed being in the choir in Grade 1 and this was the highlight of the year!

Alanna's feeling confident!

Genevieve did not enjoy the game -- too noisy!

This isn't a great photo, but Alanna is in the front at the very far right.
Here's a video of their performance:

Another highlight from February was travelling to Orillia to visit the Quinn side of the family for Great-Grandma's 90th birthday and Aunt Anne's 65th birthday parties! It was great to see everyone on this special occasion!

Alanna just LOVES Aunt Laura's dog Frankie! 


Genevieve started trying to crawl this month and teething hit her hard! She grew a few new teeth and started eating anything she could get her little hands on!

Here some other assorted photos from February:

Early morning snuggles 💓

Alanna coloured her own Valentines for her classmates and teachers this year! Great job, Alanna!

Helping Uncle Patrick GM our Dungeons and Dragons campaign.

Taking a break to admire Callie with Uncle Ben.